Is the “Bee Avocado” hair mask a hair conditioner?

No, the "Bee Avocado" mask does not have a conditioning function. It is a treatment for very damaged/dry hair that helps nourish and hydrate it.

Why did my “Flower Power” deodorant get harder?

The “Flower Power” deodorant is made up of a large proportion of natural fats: organic shea butter and organic coconut oil. Those fats become more solid (hard) when the ambient temperature drops. When the temperature rises, fats on the contrary become softer. This process is very similar to the one that happens to butter when we take it out and put it back in the fridge. It is an absolutely normal and natural process and does not mean that the product has deteriorated.

Why do products look/smell/texture slightly different from batch to batch?

Natural products that are manufactured on a small scale may differ from batch to batch because natural raw materials are not the same from batch to batch. Absolutely identical can only be synthetic raw materials that are always produced in the same way.

Are MayBeez products suitable for vegans?

The only vegan product in our line is “Jimi H.” solid shampoo. The other products contain beekeeping derivatives, so they cannot be considered vegan.

Have MayBeez products been tested on animals?

No, we do not test on animals.

Why are wax creams ("Silky" hand cream, "Delicia" body cream, "Cold No More" ointment) not absorbed immediately?

Our beeswax creams do not contain water. They are composed of different oils/butters and beeswax. Beeswax is a special fat that has many properties but is very slow to absorb. When the product is applied to the skin, it creates a protective layer and is slowly absorbed, restoring the natural elasticity of the skin and restoring the sensation of being hydrated and its healthy appearance. They are highly recommended in cases of dermatitis or extreme dryness of the skin. We recommend applying them at night before going to bed and letting them act for as long as they need.

Why is it necessary to avoid sun exposure after applying products that contain St. John's wort in their formulation?

St. John's wort can photosensitize the skin (especially if you are taking a supplement based on that plant).

Are MayBeez face creams day or night?

Our facial creams can be applied both day and night.

How long is the shelf life of MayBeez products?

Our products expire 2 years after the date they were manufactured.

What does alcohol mean in formulations?

The alcohol in our formulations is part of tinctures (alcoholic extracts) and is present in very low percentages.


Is the hair mask “Bee Avocado" a hair conditioner?

No, The Mask “Bee Avocado " has no conditioner function. It is a treatment for very deteriorated/dry hair that helps to nourish and moisturize it.

Why did my “Flower Power" deodorant get harder?

Deodorant "Flower Power" consists in a large proportion of natural fats: organic shea butter and organic coconut oil. Those fats become more solid (hard) when the ambient temperature drops. When the temperature rises, fats on the contrary become softer. This process is very similar to the one that happens to the butter when we take it out and put it back in the fridge. It is an absolutely normal and natural process and does not mean that the product has deteriorated.

Why products´ aroma/colour/texture are slightly different from batch to batch?

Natural products that are manufactured on a small scale can differ from batch to batch because natural raw materials are not the same in turn from batch to batch. Absolutely identical can be only synthetic raw materials that are always manufactured in the same way.

Are MayBeez products suitable for vegans?

The only vegan product in our line is solid shampoo "Jimi H.". The other products contain beekeeping derivatives so they cannot be considered vegan.

Have MayBeez products been tested on animals?

No, we don't test on animals.

Why wax creams (Hand cream “Sedosa”, Body Cream “Delight”, ointment "Cold No More") are not absorbed immediately?

Our beeswax creams do not contain water. They are composed of different oils/butters and beeswax. Beeswax is a special fat that has many properties but is very slow to absorb. When the product is applied to the skin, it creates a protective layer and is slowly absorbed, recovering the natural elasticity of the skin and returning the feeling of being hydrated and its healthy appearance. They are highly recommended in cases of dermatitis or extreme dryness of the skin. We recommend applying them at night before bedtime and letting them act as long as they need.

Why should we avoid sun exposure after the application of products containing St. John's wort in their formulation?

St. John's wort can photosensitize the skin (especially if you are taking some supplement based on that plant)

Are MayBeez face creams for day or night use?

Our face creams can be applied both day and night.

How long is the shelf life of MayBeez products?

Our products expire 2 years after the date on which they were manufactured.

What does alcohol mean in formulations?

Alcohol in our formulations is part of tinctures (alcoholic extracts) and is present in very low percentages.


Ist die Haarmaske "Bee Avocado" eine Haarspülung?

No, die Maske "Bee Avocado" hat no conditioner-Funktion. Es ist eine Behandlung für sehr verschlechtertes / trockenes Haar, die hilft, es zu nähren und zu befeuchten.

Warum wurde mein Deodorant "Flower Power" härter?

Deodorant "Flower Power" besteht aus einem großen Anteil natürlicher Fette: Bio-Sheabutter und Bio-Kokosöl. Diese Fette werden fester (hart), wenn die Umgebungstemperatur sinkt. Wenn die Temperatur steigt, werden Fette im Gegenteil weicher. Dieser Vorgang ist dem der Butter sehr ähnlich, wenn wir Sie herausnehmen und wieder in den Kühlschrank stellen. Es ist ein absolut normaler und natürlicher Prozess und bedeutet nicht, dass sich das Produkt verschlechtert hat.

Warum unterscheiden sich Aroma/Farbe/Textur der Produkte von Charge zu Charge geringfügig?

Naturprodukte, die in kleinem Maßstab hergestellt werden, können sich von Charge zu Charge unterscheiden, da Natürliche Rohstoffe von Charge zu Charge nicht identisch sind. Absolute identisch können nur synthetische Rohstoffe sein, die immer auf die gleiche Weise hergestellt werden.

Sind MayBeez Produkte für Veganer geeignet?

Das einzige vegane Produkt unserer Line ist das feste Shampoo "Jimi H.". Die anderen Produkte enthalten Imkereiderivate und können daher nicht als vegan betrachtet werden.

Wurden MayBeez-Produkte an Tieren getestet?

Nein, wir testen nicht an Tieren.

Warum Wachscremes (Handcreme "Silky", Körpercreme "Delight", Salbe "Cold No More") nicht sofort absorbiert werden?

Unsere Bienenwachs-Cremes enthalten kein Wasser. Sie bestehen aus verschiedenen Ölen/Butter und Bienenwachs. Bienenwachs ist ein spezielles Fett, das viele Eigenschaften hat, aber sich sehr langsam absorbiert. Wenn das Produkt auf die Haut aufgetragen wird, bildet es eine Schutzschicht und zieht langsam ein, wodurch die Natürliche Elastizität der Haut wiederhergestellt und das Gefühl der Feuchtigkeit und des gesunden Aussehens wiederhergestellt wird. Sie werden bei Neurodermitis oder extremer Trockenheit der Haut dringend empfohlen. Wir empfehlen, Sie Nachts vor dem Schlafengehen anzuwenden und Sie so lange wie nötig wirken zu lassen.

Warum sollten wir Sonneneinstrahlung nach der Anwendung von Johanniskrauthaltigen Produkten in Ihrer Formulierung vermeiden?

Johanniskraut kann die Haut photosensibilisieren (besonders wenn Sie eine Ergänzung auf der Basis dieser pflanze einnehmen).

Sind MayBeez Gesichtscremes für Tag oder für die Nacht?

Unsere Gesichtscremes können sich Tag und Nacht aufgetragen werden.

Wie lange ist die Haltbarkeit von MayBeez-Produkten?

Unsere Produkte verfallen 2 Jahre nach dem Herstellungsdatum.

Was bedeutet Alkohol in Formulierungen?

Alkohol in unseren Formulierungen ist Teil von Tinkturen (alkoholische Extrakte) und ist in sehr niedrigen Prozentsätzen vorhanden.