Tips for atopic dermatitis
by Maybeez on Apr 19, 2023

Tips for atopic dermatitis
Do you know atopic dermatitis? Did you know that almost 20% of children in Spain suffer from it?
Today we will tell you what atopic dermatitis is and what its symptoms and treatment are so that you can identify it soon and take the appropriate measures.
In Spain, ten million children suffer from atopic dermatitis and it has increased in the last 30 years, which is why we must be very attentive to our children in order to give them the care they need.
The most common symptoms are itching, inflammation, redness, scaling and stinging. When dermatitis flare-ups occur, scratching to alleviate it creates a vicious circle in which the protective layer of the skin is damaged and scabs and spots occur that take time to heal.
If your daughter has these symptoms, do not hesitate to take her to the doctor for tests and to diagnose it, because these types of symptoms cause discomfort, sleep problems or can even be incapacitating to do everyday things.
As of today, there is no cure, but if it is detected in children or babies and is treated with treatment, it is likely that as an adult you will not have so many outbreaks or even stop having them.
If you or your child have been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, here are some tips to help you prevent outbreaks.
Prevention Tips
Take a bath or shower daily. Use lukewarm water, instead of hot water, and reduce shower or bath time to about 10 minutes.
Use a mild, soap-free cleanser. Choose a cleaner that is free of dyes, alcohol, and fragrances. In the case of small children, usually only lukewarm water is needed for bathing; no need to use soap or bubble baths.
Soap can be particularly irritating to the skin of young children. For people of all ages, soaps, deodorants, and antibacterials can strip too much of the skin's natural oils and make it dry. Do not rub your skin with a towel or loofah.
Gently pat dry. After bathing, pat dry with a soft towel. Apply a moisturizer while your skin is still damp (within the first three minutes).
Skin hydration: keeping the skin hydrated is essential to control dryness and prevent the appearance of lesions. The use of emollient creams and natural oils such as coconut oil, jojoba oil or shea butter is recommended.
Topical medications: topical corticosteroids and immunomodulators can be useful to control inflammation and itching. However, it is important to use them under medical supervision as they can have side effects.
Avoid triggers: some factors can trigger the symptoms of atopic dermatitis, such as stress, excessive sweating, the use of certain care products can cause an outbreak. It is important to try using products recommended by a doctor or verify that the ingredients are natural and do not cause irritation by doing a small test.
Products that can help you
Calendula Soap: Our soap made from organic calendula oil, extra virgin olive oil and cocoa butter, which can relieve dry skin and keep it hydrated.
Cold No More Ointment , one of our favorites made from Canary St. John's Wort oil, with antiseptic and healing properties, can help soothe irritated skin in the event of an outbreak.
Tell us on our networks if you suffer from or know of someone who suffers from atopic dermatitis, we will read you.
See you in the next post!
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash