
Dyshidrosis symptoms and treatment

by Maybeez on Oct 11, 2022

Síntomas y tratamiento de la dishidrosis

Dyshidrosis symptoms and treatment

Have you ever felt itchy hands and flaking on your skin? Have you had blisters or inflammation on your feet for no apparent reason? You could be suffering from a skin disorder called dyshidrosis, keep reading and we'll tell you what it is.

Many times we forget that our hands and feet also need attention and care, today we want to talk to you about a perhaps little-known ailment, dyshidrosis, also called eczematous dermatitis, which causes inflammation and flaking of the skin, itching and in cases more serious small blisters.

Above all, it usually occurs on the feet and hands.

Although it is not a contagious disease, its symptoms can make the sufferer very uncomfortable.

Although its cause is unknown, people with skin problems such as atopic dermatitis, diseases such as asthma or rhinitis, and allergies to perfumes, nail polishes, or medicines are more prone to developing dyshidrosis.

The appearance of this condition is also related to skin infections, emotional stress or pregnancy.


  • Appearance of small blisters with fluid inside.

  • Itching in the vesicles.

  • Desquamation on the skin that can also cause erosions and fissures.

  • Irritation and thickening of the skin in the event that the blisters are scratched or persistent.


Each case of dyshidrosis is different, in general, the disease disappears after three or four weeks. However, there is the possibility that it will return even months later. Although there is no complete cure for the disease, there are treatments that help mitigate outbreaks.

It is advisable not to wait too long to go to the doctor for an effective treatment because there is a risk that the blisters may become infected or coalesce, which would worsen the symptoms. Dyshidrosis is usually treated with topical corticosteroids that are applied for approximately fifteen days. If the inflammation persists, oral corticosteroids and antibiotics are necessary, treatment with these medicines should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

However, to soothe irritation and discomfort, moisturizing creams can be your best ally.

In MayBeez. We prepare the “Sedosa” hand cream, an organic product with calendula oil and beeswax, two substances full of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties to treat dry and highly sensitive skin that requires regeneration and protection.

To get the most out of the hand cream, it is ideal to apply a generous amount to the hands and feet in the afternoon, put on gloves or socks and leave the product on overnight.

Tips to control dyshidrosis

In addition to resorting to medical treatment and having a producer to help you calm dyshidrosis. It is important to follow the precautions below to control outbreaks of this disease.

  • Do not scratch the blisters. This causes the lesions to last longer and become infected, which can lead to thickening of the skin.

  • Wash your hands and feet carefully , it is recommended to use warm or cold water and mild soaps. It is also important to dry between the fingers.

  • Moisturize your hands every day.

  • Prevent contact with irritating substances such as detergents, solvents or acidic fruit or vegetable pulps such as lemon and tomato.

  • Use gloves for housework , in this way the blisters are protected and a potential infection is avoided.

Now you will know how to identify the symptoms of dyshidrosis and you will take the appropriate measures, tell us on our networks if you have ever heard of it, we will read you!

See you in the next post!



Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash