Sweat and body odor in adolescents
by Maybeez on Sep 11, 2021

Do you notice that the smell of your teenage daughter has changed? Do you feel that he is ashamed of the problem or that excessive sweating is taking a toll on his self-esteem? Don't you know what to do to make that unpleasant smell improve?
If you identify with this situation or have children who have not yet gone through puberty, this post interests you, because today we are going to talk about adolescent sweating.
Adolescence is already confusing and difficult enough to add this problem to it, after all, sweating is something natural and necessary, but in the case of adolescents it can be a reason for ridicule, discomfort or shame.
To start we will tell you something that may surprise you, but sweat itself has no smell.
Seriously, it doesn't smell like anything. The smell is produced because microorganisms that live on our skin feed on the fluids we secrete and break them down into other substances, which smell bad when they evaporate, and that is the bad smell that we dislike so much and want to eliminate.
It must be understood that with the arrival of puberty the body of children prepares to be an adult, therefore there are many changes that we must take into account:
The apocrine glands, which are in charge of producing sebum and are located in the armpits and in the groin, begin to develop just at that moment, therefore it is normal for them to suddenly begin to sweat in areas where they had never been before. sweaty.
The body begins to manufacture sex hormones that cause a physical development that girls normally start from the age of eight and boys from the age of ten. This action of the hormones also implies an increase in sweating, which in contact with the bacteria on the skin causes that more intense body odor.
Other factors that can increase sweating can be exercise, stress or anxiety.
It is important to always talk to them about the problem in a positive and empathetic way, reminding them that it is something natural and helping them to better adapt to this new stage in their lives.
You can always encourage your child to follow some good practices that will greatly improve this problem:
Have a good body hygiene, if necessary encourage him to shower daily or more than once a day if he has sweated a lot and above all to affect problem areas where he sweats the most, such as armpits and skin folds.
Wear loose-fitting, breathable cotton clothing to allow the skin to breathe as much as possible and thus avoid excessive sweating.
If there is an abundance of body hair, waxing can also help reduce sweating, especially in the armpits.
Use a daily deodorant , preferably natural and careful with the skin.
If, even applying all these recommendations, you see that you still have the same problem, we always recommend that you go to a specialist to treat the case correctly, since there are also problems such as hyperhidrosis, which requires a specific treatment chosen by a doctor.
In the next post we will talk more in depth about the subject of sweat and the fascinating history of deodorant from ancient times to today. You can not lose this!